Safeguarding Smiles: The Power of Mouthguards for Kids in Sports

Fall is just around the corner in Raleigh, North Carolina and school and sports are getting back into full swing. We know how exciting it is to watch your kids shine on the field, court, or rink. As we celebrate those triumphant moments, let's talk about something equally important– protecting those radiant smiles while they conquer the world of sports. Parents often call Peace Street Dental to ask, “Should my child wear a mouthguard to play sport?” Today, we're diving into the world of mouthguards and why they're a must-have accessory for your young athletes.


The Winning Play: Why Mouthguards Matter


Just like a team needs a game plan, your kids need the best protection possible when they're in action. The National Youth Sports Foundation for the Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Inc. states the most common type of injury sustained during participation in sports is orofacial. This makes mouthguards the MVPs of dental care in sports. They're specially designed to cushion impacts, absorb shocks, and shield those precious pearly whites from potential harm. Without a mouthguard, a direct impact to a child’s face can result in a fractured tooth, loss of a tooth, and jaw damage.  Recent studies have also shown that wearing a custom fitted mouthguard may reduce the incidence of sports-related concussions. Whether it's soccer, basketball, hockey, or even skateboarding, mouthguards are an unbeatable defense against dental injuries.


Ready-Made vs. Custom Fit: Your Play, Your Call


When it comes to mouthguards, you've got options. Ready-made mouthguards are easily accessible and affordable, making them a quick solution. They come in various sizes to fit different age groups, making it a convenient choice for young athletes. While they provide a basic level of protection, keep in mind that they might not offer a snug fit like a custom-made mouthguard.


On the other hand, custom-fit mouthguards are the gold standard for protection and comfort. Dr. Ryan Griffith at Peace Street Dental can create a personalized mouthguard that fits their unique bite and mouth structure. These mouthguards offer optimal shock absorption and stay securely in place during intense play. Think of it as tailoring a jersey for your kid's smile – it's a perfect fit!


Game Plan: Fitting and Maintenance


Getting your child's mouthguard to fit just right is as essential as teaching them the perfect throw or kick. With ready-made mouthguards, follow the instructions carefully to achieve the best fit. For custom-fit mouthguards, Dr. Griffith uses an intraoral scanner to create a digital impression of the mouth (no more sticky impression material!) ensuring a glove-like fit that won't interfere with their game.


Maintaining a mouthguard is a breeze. Regularly rinse it with cold water after each use and store it in a ventilated case to prevent bacteria buildup. Avoid exposing it to high temperatures, as it can warp the material.

Time to Gear Up!


By having your kids wear mouthguards while playing sports, you're giving them the freedom to enjoy their activities without the worry of dental injuries. Remember, every game is a chance for them to shine, and a healthy smile is their best accessory!


At Peace Street Dental in Raleigh, North Carolina, we're your partners in your child's dental well-being. If you're looking for expert advice on selecting the perfect mouthguard, fitting, or maintenance tips, our team is here to help. Give us a call at 919.755.3450.


Play on, champs!

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